

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Declaration of Independence

Be sure to finish reading and annotating the Declaration of Independence before class tomorrow (Thursday, 2/1).  To receive full credit, you must also answer the remaining margin questions. 

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Upcoming Assignments, Due Dates , and Midterm info

Due Friday, 1/12:  Tomorrow, you will present your list from the World CafĂ©.  Be sure to arrive to class prepared to discuss the significance of EACH item on that list, including ones you did not get to in class.  You should by now be able to draw a conclusion as to how all these items connect, and you will need to present quotations (and page numbers) that clearly indicate those connections. 

Due Tuesday, 1/16: In preparation for the upcoming midterm exam, please review (and annotate) pages 1-16 of your yellow "What You Need to Know..." packet. Be sure to annotate important points, high light, etc. Also, as you review the packet, write down any questions you have about the exam. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018